Friday, October 23, 2020


 As in Choose  Your Own.

Charlie, one fine evening in this clusterfuck of a year, 2020, decided when we were having a fire out in the back yard, that we needed to have a Choose Your Own Adventure story telling time.  What then ensued cemented all of her future therapy needs and will possibly trickle down a generation or four.

Charlie: You are in a prison, trying to escape, and come to the guard.  What do you do?

Me: Kill the guard.

Charlie: Well, there's no violence in prison.

Me: Well, that's counterintuitive.

Later on in the adventure:

Charlie: You find an empty weapon, money, and bread.  What do you do?

Charles: Eat the money, grab the gun, and hide the bread.

Me: Use the bread to make bullets for the gun

Charlie: No, we can't do that.  Someone already tried that and we already lost a player.  Besides, I never told you what weapon it was.

Me: Num-chuks? Please be num-chucks.

Charles: You said the weapon was empty.

Me: They are having an existential crisis.

Charles: Yeah, they are now just numbs.

Later on in the adventure:

Charlie: You are now in the courtyard. Do you wanna fight?

Me: I am a lover, not a fighter.

Charlie: You aren't going to make it in prison (Side note: What happened to the no violence thing???)

Charles: Well, I love to fight...


Charlie: You see a police car. What do you do?

Me: Break the window and steal it.

Charlie: Well, OK, the doors were unlocked so that was unnecessary. You are driving along and see hitchhikers.  Give a ride?

Me: No hitchhikers.  They could be messed up.  And having an existential crisis.

Our poor kids.  They've never stood a chance.

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