I've been postponing this one.
My family recently went through a nightmare. Specifically, my sister Alicia and her husband Nick were on a cruise when he had a heart attack and died. Fun fact, dying internationally is a pain in the ass and super expensive. Not only did we have to deal with the hole that Nick's passing put in our lives, we had to wait several weeks to get his body back and so were in this limbo hell of not being able to go through one of the central parts of grieving, the funeral.
We were able to get him back before Christmas. Now, I have to live without one of my coparents.
Wait, isn't Charles your coparent? Well, yes. He is a very involved father. But Nick and Alicia...they were the surrogates. They were present in my children's and grandchildren's lives. They were THERE. Nick was there before Charles was. He was present for Elizabeth's infancy. And now Nick is not here. It still feels unreal, months later. I can't imagine how my sister feels. All of the future things with my kids, he will miss. He never saw Charlie play volleyball. He will not see Delilah dance, or Willow grow up. He won't be there to go to haunted houses with Elizabeth or buy jewelry from her, or watch Jewel progress in her teaching career, or see Alexis graduate from college. There are no more playdates in the backyard, with extreme bocce ball (don't ask...) and beef jerky from a local farm. I won't have to make him any cakes or cookies for his Knights of Columbus stuff, or curtains for his new office.
There's a hole.
Nick was instrumental in keeping Charles functional after Josh died. He called him daily for quite some time, as he knew what it was like to lose someone very important. His mother has now had to bury two of her children. I can't even begin to imagine that. My sister does not have her husband of over 20 years. I also can't imagine that. It has always been Nick and Alicia. Hey, were Nick and Alicia coming out? We are going to Nick and Alicia's house to watch Michigan get spanked by Ohio State. (He 100% facilitated that victory this year, I can tell you that much...).
I will never understand the why of this. Nick did SO MUCH GOOD. He had his faults, of course. Mostly related to his choice in college football teams. But he also had a big heart. He did things like driving past a house that I had seen burning down in our town, killing two people, just to see how bad it was for me, as I had not been able to look myself. He was a surrogate parent for many children besides my own. He did all kinds of charity work for his church. Roman had imprinted on him and decided Nick was his person. When I told him Nick died, he sat down and just looked at me. He knew.
This post feels very discombobulated. That tracks. Just...do me a favor and love your people. Love them so hard. And live your life. Nick LIVED. And loved.
Miss you and love you, brother.
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